Kurs: Realistisk Teckningsteknik

For my Swedish audience:

Vill du lära dig att teckna realistiskt i höst? Men du “kan inte rita en streckgubbe ens”? Det gör inget! Här fokuserar vi bara på att avbilda det vi ser, genom att lära oss grundteknikerna till att teckna realistiskt i blyerts.

5 torsdagar, med start 29 augusti. kl 18-21 på Gamla Kraftstationen – kultur & café. Anmäl dig via länken här och få mer information!

6 Aug, 2024

Wall Calendar 2021


This year will be a bit unusual, since the calendar is filled with my photo art instead paintings! But it will be just as beautiful, with photo quality paper! You can benefit by using every months photo as wall art, when the month is gone;)


– Size 30×30 cm.
– Photo quality paper, 230 g/m2.
– Spiral fold and a hole to hang it in.
– Months in Swedish (but similar in English) .

On October 25th I will send to print! When I’ve received the finished calendars from the printer, I will send the calendar to you! Just in time for the winter holidays!

-Note: the pictures of the calendar is a preview, not the finished one.-

20 Sep, 2020

Drawing class (Swedish)

Vill du lära dig teckna realistiskt i höst?
Sök då till min alldeles egna kurs, där jag lär ut från grunden hur en tecknar realistisk! Inga förkunskaper behövs!
8 Sep, 2020

Upcoming video tutorial

In June I’ll release this video tutorial, with full timelapse, from start to finish, of me painting my artwork Memento Mori. To see it make sure to subscribe as my Patreon (Worshipper tier or higher).
So far I only have it in Swedish, but if I get English speaking subscribers on that tier I will also do an English version for you!
27 May, 2020

Wanna be my Patreon?

You’ll get previews and work in progress before everyone else. Video tutorials that no one else get’s access to! Occasional gifts, just to show you my gratitude for supporting me and keep my art career going!

Go to Patreon!

13 Apr, 2020

Preorder Art Calendar 2020

It’s time to preorder your 2020 Art Calendar!
Only available as preorder, last day is Oct 27th!
Preorder by contacting me or through my shop here!

– 200 SEK ($21 USD)
The first 10 to preorder will also get a free postcard!

14 Oct, 2019